Punch Taverns
If you are looking for a pub tenancy, Punch Taverns are one of the UK’s leading companies. Founded in 1997, it has grown its portfolio to around 3,500 pubs nationwide and Punch can provide you with a wide choice of opportunities to run your own pub. Punch Taverns were the first in the industry to introduce an accredited Code of Practice, which was endorsed by BIIBAS (British Institute of Inn keeping, Benchmarking and Accreditation Services). This code of practice ensures that lease agreements and terms are clear, fair and transparent for customers. As a high quality organisation, Punch Taverns will provide you with the support and expert industry knowledge needed in order to make your pub business successful. Punch Taverns also provide a comprehensive range of business support covering everything from marketing to the legal and financial aspects of running a pub. They invest heavily in their pubs and their extensive industry knowledge and experience ensure that each of their pubs for lease has the right location, customers and environment. Punch Taverns group pubs together depending on their strengths and so this will make it easier for you to find the pub for lease that’s right for you, to ensure your business is a success.
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